Mercury Group
Hvar, Zavala, house first row to the sea
- Croatia, Islands of the Adriatic sea
- Jelsa
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Property description
- Croatia, Islands of the Adriatic sea
- Jelsa
Currency calculator
House for sale, first row to the sea in a beautiful bay on the island of Hvar. Basement tavern, ground floor apartments, first floor completely renovated (electrical underfloor heating in the bathroom), gas central heating with pool, stone fences throughout the house, Rohbau attic with a large terrace. Parking for ten cars.
The house requires additional investments, but the location itself is unique.
For all other information on request.
Location on Map
- Croatia, Islands of the Adriatic sea
- Jelsa
Currency calculator
What you should know, purchasing a property in Croatia
** After rental period you check out, own your property, and:
1. give it for rent and get the loan covered keeping real estate till the highest market to resell, or
2. resell and get the invested money + capitalization profit
In both cases, your rental costs when purchasing real estate are reduced by an average of three times.