

About country

Walk around Manhattan like the heroes of your favorite movies, work in Chicago, or maybe move to the ocean, to the hospitable and sunny Miami?

America is so different and immense, here everyone can find a heavenly place for themselves. It may vary depending on your tastes and preferences. One thing is invariable - to live in the USA means to live life in a country of unlimited opportunities and freedoms. Buy real estate in any corner of the USA from Mercury Group - and make your American dream come true!


Best real estate deals in USA

€ 903 058 Apartment, For sale
ID: USA-149-154077 USA, Miami, Florida City
upon request Apartment, For sale
ID: USA-149-153954 USA, Miami, Florida City
€ 2 289 250 Apartment, For sale
ID: USA-149-153953 USA, Miami, Florida City
€ 1 367 100 Apartment, For sale
ID: USA-149-153952 USA, Miami, Florida City
€ 1 648 260 Apartment, For sale
ID: USA-149-153951 USA, Miami, Florida City
€ 2 598 355 House, For sale
ID: USA-149-153857 USA, Miami, Florida City




FAQ about buying and renting real estate and residence permits in the USA
To buy real estate in Monaco. Useful Adviсes.
Residence permit for Russians by investment in Spain
Real estate sales over $ 1 million jump in Miami
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