
I have been very pleased with the service and the results the company has provided for the renting of our Villa. The Website is very well organized. The people are great. There have been no issues with deposits, rental payments, or damages. The volume of enquiries and renters has been very good. I am most grateful to have such a wonderful organization working for us.

Ken Andre
Villa rental, 2017

I have been very pleased with the service and the results the company has provided for the renting of our Villa. The Website is very well organized. The people are great. There have been no issues with deposits, rental payments, or damages. The volume of enquiries and renters has been very good. I am most grateful to have such a wonderful organization working for us.

I am very happy with real estate service. Only a short while after I listed my 2 condos with them, they managed to find long term rental tenants for both units. The rental of the first unit only just has been agreed ( for 6 months), when suddenly they also found a tenant for my second apartment for 12 months. The company took care of all the paperwork (rental agreement), and secured the deposit and down payment ! They are working very professional, fast and has a large customer base. I have listed my properties with several agents on the island but most of them are just a waste of time.

Claudio Strey
Long term Rental, 2017

I am very happy with real estate service. Only a short while after I listed my 2 condos with them, they managed to find long term rental tenants for both units. The rental of the first unit only just has been agreed ( for 6 months), when suddenly they also found a tenant for my second apartment for 12 months. The company took care of all the paperwork (rental agreement), and secured the deposit and down payment ! They are working very professional, fast and has a large customer base. I have listed my properties with several agents on the island but most of them are just a waste of time.

As per our phone discussion yesterday. I would just like to pass on our thanks to real estate company and your team of property caretakers. All dealings and transaction from the commencement of the lease to our departure have been seamless and easy. This made a big difference to our peace of mind while going through the process of settling in a foreign country, unfamiliar with customs and protocols...let alone the language. Our lease arrangement and tenancy always felt like a set and forget arrangement adding to the extended holiday feel. Anand, our caretaker and his team were fantastic, we felt secure and well looked after for the duration. Nothing was ever a problem for Anand and his team. We will be returning in the medium term. We'll be sure to be back to real estate company to browse the properties you have on selection.

Anthony and Anne
Lease, 2017

As per our phone discussion yesterday. I would just like to pass on our thanks to real estate company and your team of property caretakers. All dealings and transaction from the commencement of the lease to our departure have been seamless and easy. This made a big difference to our peace of mind while going through the process of settling in a foreign country, unfamiliar with customs and protocols...let alone the language. Our lease arrangement and tenancy always felt like a set and forget arrangement adding to the extended holiday feel. Anand, our caretaker and his team were fantastic, we felt secure and well looked after for the duration. Nothing was ever a problem for Anand and his team. We will be returning in the medium term. We'll be sure to be back to real estate company to browse the properties you have on selection.

Everything went well with the house on Cape Yamu and we will be moving in today. Just wanted to say many thanks again for your great help and efficiency in finding it- everybody is very happy!

Beatrice Boehmer and family
House on Cape Yamu, 2017

Everything went well with the house on Cape Yamu and we will be moving in today. Just wanted to say many thanks again for your great help and efficiency in finding it- everybody is very happy!

Many thanks to you for finding us a very pleasant tenant for our villa in Layan. We have been pleasantly surprised by your service quality, your professionalism and reliability which is certainly well above most other real estate agents here in Phuket. You never ever dropped an appointment (others do not bother "no shows" or substantial delays), you always were punctual and this gave us a very comfortable feeling.   Thanks again, it was a pleasure working with you. All the best for your future business.

Jurgen & Shanya
Villa in Layan, 2017

Many thanks to you for finding us a very pleasant tenant for our villa in Layan. We have been pleasantly surprised by your service quality, your professionalism and reliability which is certainly well above most other real estate agents here in Phuket. You never ever dropped an appointment (others do not bother "no shows" or substantial delays), you always were punctual and this gave us a very comfortable feeling.   Thanks again, it was a pleasure working with you. All the best for your future business.

Всем хорошего дня! Хотим сказать большое спасибо сотрудникам компании!  Приобрели не только недвижимость в Греции, но и хороших друзей, которые помогут и советом и делом! Такая благоприятная обстановка на острове Крит, что хочется скорее опять вернуться к этому морю... знакомиться с новыми людьми... и больше узнавать об истории этого уникального места!)

Путинцевы Светлана и Константин
Недвижимость в Греции, 2017

Всем хорошего дня! Хотим сказать большое спасибо сотрудникам компании!  Приобрели не только недвижимость в Греции, но и хороших друзей, которые помогут и советом и делом! Такая благоприятная обстановка на острове Крит, что хочется скорее опять вернуться к этому морю... знакомиться с новыми людьми... и больше узнавать об истории этого уникального места!)

Выражаем огромную благодарность сотрудникам компании в Салониках за безупречное обслуживание и высокий профессионализм. Менее чем за неделю с их помощью мы нашли отличный вариант квартиры в Салониках. Будем надеяться на удачное завершение сделки. Лидия И Маркус Швейцария)

Лидия И Маркус
Квартира, 2017

Выражаем огромную благодарность сотрудникам компании в Салониках за безупречное обслуживание и высокий профессионализм. Менее чем за неделю с их помощью мы нашли отличный вариант квартиры в Салониках. Будем надеяться на удачное завершение сделки. Лидия И Маркус Швейцария)

От всего сердца хотим выразить благодарность всем сотрудникам компании за то, что они помогают нам реализовывать проект Дома нашей мечты! Большое спасибо ребята, с вами приятно работать! С уважением, Ульяна и Константин.)

Ульяна и Константин
Дом мечты, 2017

От всего сердца хотим выразить благодарность всем сотрудникам компании за то, что они помогают нам реализовывать проект Дома нашей мечты! Большое спасибо ребята, с вами приятно работать! С уважением, Ульяна и Константин.)

Всегда считала, что покупка недвижимости это ответственный шаг и серьезное осознанное решение. Я покупку очень долго обсуждала с мужем. На примете была Греция и Кипр. В итоге выбор пал на Кипр. Работая с компанией, мы поняли, что сделали правильный выбор. Работать с ребятами из компании было одно удовольствие. Очень Вам благодарны.

Недвижимость на Кипре, 2017

Всегда считала, что покупка недвижимости это ответственный шаг и серьезное осознанное решение. Я покупку очень долго обсуждала с мужем. На примете была Греция и Кипр. В итоге выбор пал на Кипр. Работая с компанией, мы поняли, что сделали правильный выбор. Работать с ребятами из компании было одно удовольствие. Очень Вам благодарны.

Агентство посоветовала мне очень хорошая знакомая, которая уже давно живет на Кипре. Я к ней часто приезжала в гости и мне понравилась природа этой страны. Сейчас, когда в нашем бизнесе все пошло вверх я тоже задумалась о переезде на Кипр покупке жилья. Пока я только присматриваюсь. Уже получила одну консультацию. Со слов моей знакомой и по моим личным впечатлениям могу сказать, что с агентством можно работать. Вас обслужат знающие и адекватные люди.

Жилье на Кипре, 2017

Агентство посоветовала мне очень хорошая знакомая, которая уже давно живет на Кипре. Я к ней часто приезжала в гости и мне понравилась природа этой страны. Сейчас, когда в нашем бизнесе все пошло вверх я тоже задумалась о переезде на Кипр покупке жилья. Пока я только присматриваюсь. Уже получила одну консультацию. Со слов моей знакомой и по моим личным впечатлениям могу сказать, что с агентством можно работать. Вас обслужат знающие и адекватные люди.

Мы с мужем покупали небольшой домик на Кипре сыну на свадьбу. Обычно у нас с сыном никогда не сходились вкусы ни в чем, в том числе и в интерьере. Но там специалисты помогли подобрать отличный дом и даже сын в восторге. Все помогли быстро оформить. И за свою работу не требуют сумасшедших денег.

Домик на Кипре, 2017

Мы с мужем покупали небольшой домик на Кипре сыну на свадьбу. Обычно у нас с сыном никогда не сходились вкусы ни в чем, в том числе и в интерьере. Но там специалисты помогли подобрать отличный дом и даже сын в восторге. Все помогли быстро оформить. И за свою работу не требуют сумасшедших денег.

Thanks to Alina we found a very nice apartment to live for the next few years. Our first experience with Riga is very positive. We think this was mainly because of the hospitality, flexibility and friendliness of Alina. Visits to apartments were well organised and executed in a professional and efficient way. She personally drove us to all those apartments to visit and shared her enthusiasm about Riga with us. In addition she also explained a lot about our future place to live.

Beathe Kristin Andestad, Norway.
Apartment rent in Riga., 2016

Thanks to Alina we found a very nice apartment to live for the next few years. Our first experience with Riga is very positive. We think this was mainly because of the hospitality, flexibility and friendliness of Alina. Visits to apartments were well organised and executed in a professional and efficient way. She personally drove us to all those apartments to visit and shared her enthusiasm about Riga with us. In addition she also explained a lot about our future place to live.

We had the pleasure to visit Riga last week for first time and was helped by your employee ALINA MERCA to find us a nice apartment. During two busy days she helped us in a very profecional way, looking throug several alternativ apartments. Alina Merca took care of all paperworks smoothly and we are very satified with her support. I think Mercury Group is lucky to have her. Riga City looks like a very nice Capitol and we really look forward to stay there for a while.

Bjørn Vikås, Norway.
Apartment rent in Old Town., 2016

We had the pleasure to visit Riga last week for first time and was helped by your employee ALINA MERCA to find us a nice apartment. During two busy days she helped us in a very profecional way, looking throug several alternativ apartments. Alina Merca took care of all paperworks smoothly and we are very satified with her support. I think Mercury Group is lucky to have her. Riga City looks like a very nice Capitol and we really look forward to stay there for a while.

Мы нашли компанию Mercury Group в Интернете и обратились с просьбой помочь в приобретении жилого дома. На протяжении месяца мы осмотрели около 30 домов по 3-4 дома в день. С нами работала чудная, Alina Merca. Она организовывала просмотр домов, связывалась с хозяевами и не было ни одного случая срыва. В результате мы приобрели дом, который удовлетворят всем нашим вкусам и требованиям. Алину обязательно пригласим на новоселье, в приобретении нами дома есть ее большая заслуга. Латвия чудная страна с прекрасной природой, чистенькая, аккуратная с хорошей экологией. Жители приветливые, отзывчивые. В Риге 85 процентов населения говорит на русском. Рига старинный, красивый город. Всем своим знакомым буду рекомендовать Латвию и Компанию, которая так нам помогла.

Марианна, Борис, USA
жилой дом, 2016

Мы нашли компанию Mercury Group в Интернете и обратились с просьбой помочь в приобретении жилого дома. На протяжении месяца мы осмотрели около 30 домов по 3-4 дома в день. С нами работала чудная, Alina Merca. Она организовывала просмотр домов, связывалась с хозяевами и не было ни одного случая срыва. В результате мы приобрели дом, который удовлетворят всем нашим вкусам и требованиям. Алину обязательно пригласим на новоселье, в приобретении нами дома есть ее большая заслуга. Латвия чудная страна с прекрасной природой, чистенькая, аккуратная с хорошей экологией. Жители приветливые, отзывчивые. В Риге 85 процентов населения говорит на русском. Рига старинный, красивый город. Всем своим знакомым буду рекомендовать Латвию и Компанию, которая так нам помогла.

I was looking for a long time rental in Riga and was managed by a very friendly and professional Rental Associate /Sales Associate named Olga. She was listening to my requests and quickly came up with some excellent options for visits. She was always reachable and with timely responses an all ways of communication in best english language. I'd like to say thanks for the excellent job provided thus setting a positive example in the business as a house agent.

Bodenstab/Joerg, Germany.
Apartment rent in Riga., 2016

I was looking for a long time rental in Riga and was managed by a very friendly and professional Rental Associate /Sales Associate named Olga. She was listening to my requests and quickly came up with some excellent options for visits. She was always reachable and with timely responses an all ways of communication in best english language. I'd like to say thanks for the excellent job provided thus setting a positive example in the business as a house agent.

I have found Mercury Estate Latvia very good, they always answer emails quickly and professionally, the service they provide is the best! agents always are helpful in all matters, they solve all inquiries and make you feel at ease without stress... I will only use Mercury estate Latvia now and for the future as I have much trust and confidence in them. Richard UK.

Richard, UK
Apartment rent in Riga., 2016

I have found Mercury Estate Latvia very good, they always answer emails quickly and professionally, the service they provide is the best! agents always are helpful in all matters, they solve all inquiries and make you feel at ease without stress... I will only use Mercury estate Latvia now and for the future as I have much trust and confidence in them. Richard UK.

I found the company by searching on the internet for an apartment to rent. The provision for initial inquiry was good - there was an e-mail inquiry field on the website. My e-mail inquiries and questions were promptly and informatively answered, and within a few days I was sent a provisional rental agreement for my reference. When I met the agent and and viewed the flat, I was very politely and efficiently dealt with. It was a very smooth and pleasant service, and we were quickly able to conclude the rental agreement. I would highly recommend the company's service. Thank you very much!

Martin Lowndes, England.
Apartment rent in Riga., 2016

I found the company by searching on the internet for an apartment to rent. The provision for initial inquiry was good - there was an e-mail inquiry field on the website. My e-mail inquiries and questions were promptly and informatively answered, and within a few days I was sent a provisional rental agreement for my reference. When I met the agent and and viewed the flat, I was very politely and efficiently dealt with. It was a very smooth and pleasant service, and we were quickly able to conclude the rental agreement. I would highly recommend the company's service. Thank you very much!

I had the opportunity of dealing with Melina, one of the associates. I would like to compliment you on excellent and professional service! It was a pleasure dealing with your company. Will recommend you to my friends.

Gerhard Erasmus, Republic of South Africa.
Rent apartment, Riga., 2016

I had the opportunity of dealing with Melina, one of the associates. I would like to compliment you on excellent and professional service! It was a pleasure dealing with your company. Will recommend you to my friends.

I want to express my biggest thanks to Olga, who was very careful and patient in helping me to find the apartment in Riga. I wish her all the best and hope she meets good customers; it is the professional you can really trust.

Jurate V, Lithuania.
Apartment rent in Riga., 2016

I want to express my biggest thanks to Olga, who was very careful and patient in helping me to find the apartment in Riga. I wish her all the best and hope she meets good customers; it is the professional you can really trust.

- Very diligent and pleasant guide for house viewing. - Diversity for selection. - Professional guiding.

Dong Seung, Byon.
Relocation from Moscow to Riga., 2016

- Very diligent and pleasant guide for house viewing. - Diversity for selection. - Professional guiding.

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