New investments direction - the Alps.

We will talk about the Austrian Alps here. Chalet in the mountains is not only prestigious purchase, but also very profitable in terms of long-term investments. 

There are 4 major competitors in the market of mountain skiing - Italy, France, Switzerland and Austria.

However, Austria has a number of advantages over the rest of the world

Firstly, Austria can offer the longest winter season mostly because of the geographical position and the optimal height difference of 800-2000m - not too high, not too cold.

Secondly, Austria invests huge funds in the development of resorts, and also expands their profile and seasonality. The target tourist group in Austria is not only skiers, but also people who prefer a more relaxing holiday in the fresh air, walking, spa and so on. The same resorts during the summer season can offer rest on lakes, balneology, rehabilitation, which means they become interesting all year round.

Thirdly, the average real estate prices in the Austrian Alps are still 30% lower than in the neighbour above mentioned countries. Still - does not mean forever. A stable and dynamic growth in prices for real estate of this type is forecasted.

Well, in the fourth - the purchase of such property will bring a stable income. According to the statistics of recent years, people of different age groups prefer to rent their private dwellings entirely, rather than overnight at hotels. Companies which take total care of your property,  is a steady trend. They will offer you a guaranteed income and a minimum of headache, since they also take on the financial risks as well.


Special offers of real estate abroad

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