Mercury Group
House in Saliena village
- Latvia, Riga district, Pinki
- Zila
Property description
- Latvia, Riga district, Pinki
- Zila
Currency calculator
In the village there are all conditions for a relaxing and comfortable stay: Private Playground, shops, swimming pool, the ice rink and a place for playing golf, tennis club, 2 kindergartens and schools: Babites High School and Latvian International School.
Basic parameters:
Location on Map
- Latvia, Riga district, Pinki
- Zila
Currency calculator
What you should know, purchasing a property in Latvia
** After rental period you check out, own your property, and:
1. give it for rent and get the loan covered keeping real estate till the highest market to resell, or
2. resell and get the invested money + capitalization profit
In both cases, your rental costs when purchasing real estate are reduced by an average of three times.