Privacy policy
1. SIA "Mercury Group" has carried out all necessary measures to ensure the safety of the personal data of users of the portal (hereinafter referred to as "Users") and to prevent their unreasonable transferral to the disposal of third parties.
2. During the visit and use and leave of official requests, as well as seeking advice from our specialists through an active chat on the portal, the company "Mercury Group" can obtain information that contains the personal data of the User:
2.1. Directly (name, surname, telephone number, e-mail address, additional comments, location (to the country and city) where the message was sent from;
2.2. indirectly (using IP address, cookies and other technical means for monitoring the use of the portal of real estate
2.2.1. Cookies are small text files that inform you how often the user visits the online real estate portal and what it does during their sessions. In addition, cookies help to adjust the functionality of the portal for the sale of real estate and to customize it. Cookies do not contain identity information, however, if the user himself indicated this information, then it can be combined with the data contained in the cookie file.
2.2.2. An IP address is a group of digits that is automatically assigned to the computer each time the User logs on to the Internet portal for real estate - this IP address can automatically identify the User's computer and its location. has right to collect IP addresses for administration of the system and audit of the Internet portal; Does not add the User's IP address to his identity information, which means that User’s session is registered, but the User remains anonymous; has right to use the IP address to identify the User in case it is necessary to ensure compliance of the User's behavior with the conditions of using the portal or to protect the portal or its Users.
3. By leaving the application and / or agreeing with the rules of using the Internet portal, the User agrees and allows "Mercury Group" Ltd. to register, enter, save, organize, use and in any other form to process the User's personal data, or verbal consent of the User to transmit complete data to partner companies, as well as data that the User will subsequently transfer to "Mercury Group" Ltd. in the amount necessary for the following purposes:
3.1. processing of data follows from officially left requests / requests, contractual obligations of the User or processing of data is necessary for the conclusion of the relevant contract (transaction);
3.2. data that are necessary to identify and account Users;
3.3. data that is necessary for sending commercial notifications (e-mail and / or SMS);
3.4. data that are necessary to ensure the performance of other obligations in accordance with the relevant agreements (transactions) concluded;
3.5. data that are necessary for the consideration of the User's application for services related to the acquisition of real estate, which includes consultations, registration of residence permit, etc.
4. SIA "Mercury Group" processes and protects personal data of Users in accordance with the Law on Data Protection of Individuals and other regulatory enactments of the Republic of Latvia that regulate the processing and protection of personal data. To store and process personal data of Users, SIA "Mercury Group" uses organizational and technical means to protect personal data from accidental or illegal disclosure, changes and any other illegal processing.
5. Access to information trusted by Users is available only to specially authorized employees of SIA "Mercury Group". SIA "Mercury Group" provides non-disclosure of personal data of Users to third parties as much as it is provided in the law on data protection of individuals and in other regulatory acts of the Republic of Latvia that regulate the processing and protection of personal data, except for:
5.1. the distribution of personal data by the partner of "Mercury Group" Ltd., which provide the provision of direct services related to the sale of real estate, as well as the provision of services to the extent that personal data are necessary to fulfill contractual obligations;
5.2. cases where the disclosure of data is necessary to identify, state or initiate a legitimate action against a person who may cause any harm to another person or SIA "Mercury Group", threatening her rights, property or action, and subjecting it or similar risk to other users of the Internet portal and / or other persons;
5.3. cases, where it is necessary to take the requirements of regulatory enactments into consideration or in accordance with the requirements of competent institutions.
6. SIA "Mercury Group" carries out all possible measures of protection, however it can not fully guarantee that there will not be a loss of data, their malicious use or changes.
7. The user has the right to request to supplement or correct his personal data, as well as to stop processing or destroy them if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, untrue or no longer necessary for the purpose of collecting personal data. Also at any time the User can ask to delete his personal data by sending an official mail to the corporate mail of the company "Mercury Group" -
8. By submitting a written application in writing, the User is entitled to receive the following information:
8.1. information that was received about the User, the source of data receipt, when the information entered into the data was changed (if the relevant regulations allow it);
8.2. purposes of the processing of personal data, information about the recipients of personal data;
8.3. information on whether the data was processed automatically.
9. Personal data of Users will be stored no longer than it is established in the relevant regulatory enactments.
10. By trusting his personal data and / or other personal information, the User certifies that the terms of the privacy policy of the Internet portal are binding on him and acknowledges that the "Mercury Group" Ltd. has the right to use this information in the volume and in those cases that are defined in the privacy policy of the Internet portal
11. The terms of the privacy policy of the Internet portal can be renewed at any time, so Users are encouraged to check them out regularly.
Date of renovation: 20.05.2018
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